Polly Fisher - Velocity Made Good
Charlotte (Polly) Fisher is a sailor who raced for 11 years as a member of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, including in the Wellington Harbour and Coastal Offshore Series. In 1990, Polly was the sole woman in a crew of eight that raced the Auckland to Noumea Ocean Classic on the fast racer Flojo. She and husband Robert Fisher have attended four America's Cup competitions - Sir Peter Blake's first win in 1995 in San Diego, 2000 and 2003 in the Hauraki Gulf and the 2013 competition in San Francisco. Fisher, who is based in Wellington, will talk to Kim about how this year's America's Cup racing stands alongside the earlier regattas, what 'velocity made good' (VMG) means, and why Team New Zealand must beat Oracle Team USA at all costs. https://www.americascup.com/