5 Aug 2017

Ed Verner - The Pasture experience

From Saturday Morning, 11:40 am on 5 August 2017

Ed Verner and wife Laura co-own Auckland eating establishment Pasture, which is not a bistro or restaurant in the traditional sense, but an eating 'experience' lasting around three hours where all food is cooked over an open fire. Up to 25 diners at a time eat a six-course set menu with paired wines or non-alcoholic drinks, and all food is made from scratch including bread made from grains ground on site and naturally fermented sodas. Pasture is a year old on August 5. Ed Verner is originally from Dorset in England, and has cooked at some of the world's top restaurants - before Pasture he worked under Sid Sahrawat at Sidart, one of Auckland's most popular fine-dining restaurants.

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