10 Feb 2018

Max Patte - Haere ra, Aotearoa

From Saturday Morning, 10:35 am on 10 February 2018

Max Patte is a British-born artist who has lived in Wellington for the past decade, and is about to return to the UK. One of his best known works is the Solace In The Wind sculpture on the capital city's waterfront, the 10th anniversary of which is being celebrated with limited edition sculptures. Patte sculpts primarily in clay, then casts in iron, plaster and bronze, using both traditional and contemporary techniques, although his newer works have led him in a different direction, using life-size titanium sculpture, infinity mirror, Swarovski crystal work and lightworks. Max Patte was elected an associate of the Royal Society of British Sculptors in 2008. Max Patte will have an open day at his studio before leaving, details: https://www.facebook.com/maxpatteartist/

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