17 Feb 2018

Peter Hitchens - Brexit from the right

From Saturday Morning, 11:05 am on 17 February 2018

Peter Hitchens is a British journalist and author and has written extensively on politics and social conservatism. Starting as a journalist with The Daily Express, he graduated to foreign correspondent and reported events such as the US military intervention in Somalia, the final months of the Soviet Union and last few days of racial segregation in South Africa in the early 90s, to name a few. From being a member of the Trotskyist International Socialists in the 1960s and 70s, Hitchens, brother of the famous late writer Christopher Hitchens, has become an arch-conservative and columnist for the Mail on Sunday. He has written several books on social issues including The War We Never Fought: The British Establishment's Surrender to Drugs and Rage Against God: How Atheism led me to Faith.

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