3 Mar 2018

Jonathon Young - Betroffenheit

From Saturday Morning, 11:40 am on 3 March 2018

An article from the LA Times best describes the story behind Jonathon Young's Betroffenheit: "The German word Betroffenheit has no single equivalent in English. But we can understand it all right - it describes the emotional condition that Canadian actor and theater director Jonathan Young experienced after his young daughter, niece and nephew died in 2009 in an accidental fire. Shocked, wordless, traumatized. Stuck in a looping, neverending hell. That was his Betroffenheit." Young made the dance-threatre show with choreographer Crystal Pite and dancers from her Vancouver-based company, Kidd Pivot. Last year, Betroffenheit won the Olivier award for best new dance production.

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