4 Aug 2018

Mike McCormack - Prize-winning novel, Solar Bones

From Saturday Morning, 10:04 am on 4 August 2018

Irish writer Mike McCormack's latest book is Solar Bones, a novel written in a single sentence that flows over 270 pages, and spans a single day in which the ghost of a Mayo engineer called Marcus Conway looks back on his life and death. In June this year, Solar Bones won McCormack the Dublin Literary Prize of €100,000, (NZ$171,500) the largest literary prize in the world for a single novel published in English. He talks to Noelle about revealing the soul of the civil engineer among the concrete and granite, and how he builds his books. McCormack has published two collections of short stories, Getting It In the Head and Forensic Songs and two other novels - Crowe's Requiem and Notes from a Coma.

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