22 Sep 2018

Tom Wright - Author of Billion Dollar Whale

From Saturday Morning, 9:06 am on 22 September 2018

Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World, recounts the true story of Jho Low, dubbed "the Malaysian Great Gatsby". Low, who is currently on the run, persuaded then-Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak to create an investment fund that he would direct from the shadows in 2009. The fund, which escaped notice or censure by global banks, international auditors, central bankers, and watchdogs, raised billions of dollars which was spent on high living by Low and associates. Najib Razak was arrested in July for his part in the scheme. Kim talks to Tom Wright, who co-authored Billion Dollar Whale with Bradley Hope. Both journalists work for the Wall Street Journal; Wright is a Pulitzer finalist, a Loeb winner, and has garnered numerous awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia, which in 2016 named him Journalist of the Year.

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