1 Dec 2018

Kate Camp - Robert Scott and The Worst Journey in the World

From Saturday Morning, 11:40 am on 1 December 2018
The Worst Journey in the World (1922)

The Worst Journey in the World (1922) Photo: Wikicommons

Kate Camp

Kate Camp Photo: Supplied

Kate Camp is the author of six collections of poetry published by Victoria University Press, the most recent of which is The internet of things (2017). She's won the New Zealand Book Award for The Mirror of Simple Annihilated Souls, and the Best First Book Award for Unfamiliar Legends of the Stars. Camp held the Creative New Zealand Berlin writers residency in 2011, and the Katherine Mansfield Menton fellowship in 2017. She has reviewed classic literature on Saturday Morning since 2001; today she talks about The Worst Journey in the World, the memoir of Robert Scott's disastrous 1910-1913 Antarctic expedition, written by fellow expedition member Apsley Cherry-Garrard.  

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