23 Mar 2019

Vicki Saunders - SHeEO activators empower female entrepreneurs

From Saturday Morning, 11:04 am on 23 March 2019
Vicki Saunders

Vicki Saunders Photo: supplied / vickisaunders.com

Canadian Vicki Saunders is an entrepreneur, mentor and business advisor, and the founder of SheEO, an organisation that raises funding to help grow female-run businesses.

The SheEO system sees 500 women (Activators) contribute $1100 each to support early stage female entrepreneurs; those selected are chosen by groups of 500 women 'activators' who select five businesses to receive a five year interest free loan.

Vicki has co-founded and run ventures in Europe, Toronto and Silicon Valley and taken a company public on the Toronto Stock Exchange.


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