6 Jul 2019

Dr Karen Grylls - long-time advocate for choral music

From Saturday Morning, 10:08 am on 6 July 2019
Dr Karen Grylls

Dr Karen Grylls Photo: Supplied / Karen Grylls

Voices New Zealand is the country's nationally-selected choir and is hitting the road in July with five new works from five of New Zealand's most exciting composers - the first tour of its kind for them. 

The choir was founded by Dr Karen Grylls (ONZM), who serves as its artistic director and conductor.

She is also the Artistic Director of NZ Youth Choir, and  Associate Professor in Conducting and Head of Choral Studies at the University of Auckland.

Karen talks to Kim about her quest to try and get New Zealanders along to choir performances - which was also a quest of her colleague Dr Guy Jansen, founder of NZ Youth Choir and NZ Secondary Students Choir, who died recently.

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