23 May 2020

Photographer Judith Crispin: exposing life and death

From Saturday Morning, 11:05 am on 23 May 2020
Warlpiri law man Henry Jackamarra Cook and Judith Crispin

Warlpiri law man Henry Jackamarra Cook and Judith Crispin Photo: supplied

Since 2011, Australian poet, writer and photographer Judith Nangala Crispin has spent part of each year living and working with Warlpiri people in the Northern Australian Tanami desert.

Her work centres on the concept of connection with "Country" and includes themes of displacement and reflection on her own lost Aboriginal ancestry.

Her exhibition "Unseen - The Dingo's Noctuary", features at this year's Auckland Festival of Photography. It will be outside on lightboxes near the Ellen Melville Centre.

It includes images of roadkill and other dead animals made using a camera-less technique she calls "Lumachrome glass printing".

She'll also be giving two talks via Zoom at 5pm Thursday 28 May, and 11am Sunday 31 May. 'Talking Culture: Judith Crispin'

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