25 Sep 2021

Annette Lees: exploring the enchanting nights of Aotearoa

From Saturday Morning, 11:05 am on 25 September 2021
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Photo: Supplied

Annette Lees has long had a love affair with the night time. As a child she found it both scary and enchanting, and as an adult she revels in the sense of wonderment found in swimming under the stars or walking in moonlight. But it was a newfound love of bats that was the genesis for her new book After Dark: Walking into the nights of Aotearoa.

Following on the heels of 2018’s Swim: a year of swimming outdoors in New Zealand, which was long-listed for an Ockham Award, Lees’ new book is an exploration of Aotearoa at night that weaves together elements of memoir, social history and unknown tales from the natural world.

When not swimming or studying the night sky, Lees is an environmental strategy consultant for her business Alternative Endings. In terms of a bat monitor Annette recommends the Magenta Bat 5 Heterodyne Bat Detector.  

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Photo: Supplied

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