25 Jun 2022

Matt Baker: giant bacteria and robotic fish

From Saturday Morning, 11:35 am on 25 June 2022
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Photo: Supplied

Sydney-based New Zealander Dr Matt Baker returns for a chat about some of the latest science news.

This week: the world’s largest known bacteria have been discovered in the tropical mangroves of Guadeloupe — the Thiomargarita magnifica are large enough to see without a microscope, at around a centimetre long each. And scientists have designed a tiny robot fish that is programmed to remove microplastics from the ocean by swimming around and absorbing them.

Dr Baker is the Scientia Research Fellow in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of New South Wales.

Thiomargarita magnifica is roughly 50 times larger than all other known giant bacteria

Thiomargarita magnifica, which was discovered on decaying mangrove leaves in shallow tropical marine marshes. Photo: Tomas Tyml

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