23 Jul 2022

Dr Norman Swan: practical advice on how to stay younger longer

From Saturday Morning, 11:10 am on 23 July 2022
So You Want To Live Younger Longer by Dr Norman Swan

Photo: Supplied

Dubbed the most trusted medical professional in Australia, Dr Norman Swan is no stranger to handing out medical advice. His new book So You Want To Live Younger Longer? is filled with practical information on how to stay at your peak no matter what your age, while debunking money and time-wasting myths.

This new guide follows on from Dr Swan’s debut, So You Think You Know What’s Good For You?, released last year.

Dr Swan has been a broadcaster with the ABC for almost 40 years. He is the co-host of Health Report and Coronacast. 

Send your questions for Dr Swan to saturday@rnz.co.nz or text 2021 (texts cost 20c).

ABC's Dr Norman Swan, host of Coronacast, a podcast about the coronavirus pandemic, in Sydney. 21st April 2020 Photo: Janie Barrett

Photo: Janie Barrett

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