Huhana Smith Photo: supplied
Professor Huhana Smith, who heads Whiti o Rehua School of Art at Massey University, has spent the last 20 years focussed on the restoration of her ancestral coastal whenua and awa at Kuku Beach, near Levin.
One of the tools she's using is Biochar, the carbon-rich remains of slow-burned wood.
She's part of Te Waituhi ā Nuku, a collective of artists and researchers using Biochar as both a artistic medium and a tool for land restoration.
They are in an exhibition on at New Plymouth's Govett Brewster Gallery until 20 March, and will hold biochar workshops at Parihaka, Taranaki on 25-26 February.
The Kuku Biochar Project, as part of Waikōkopu stream restoration with Te Waituhi ā Nuku at Kuku Beach. Photo: supplied