11 Mar 2023

Gulchehra Hoja: speaking out for the Uyghur

From Saturday Morning, 8:12 am on 11 March 2023

As a beautiful young TV star in the ‘90s, Gulchehra Hoja was important to the Chinese state: the acceptable face of China’s Uyghur Muslim minority, from the remote North-West. 

Then in 2001, Hoja did an about-turn, fleeing to the United States and working with Radio Free Asia, reporting on human rights abuses. By 2017, she was designated by China a terrorist, and placed on a most-wanted list. A year later, 24 of her family members disappeared at once, placed in state detention.

A Stone Is Most Precious Where It Belongs is Hoja’s story, and an account the persecution of the Uyghur people, who in 2021 the US designated as having been subject to genocide. 

*A warning that while this is an inspiring story there is some content in this interview concerning genocide and discretion is advised.

Uyghur journalist Gulchera Hoja and the cover of her book "A Stone is Most Precious where it Belongs"

Photo: Supplied

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