27 Jul 2024

Keith Wiffin: The fight continues for abuse in care survivors

From Saturday Morning, 8:45 am on 27 July 2024
Abuse survivors and family hikoi to Parliament as the Abuse in Care inquiry is due to be made public.

Photo: RNZ / Calvin Samuel

The release of the final report from the Abuse in Care inquiry on Wednesday was an important day for Keith Wiffin, but not the end of his 22 year fight for justice. 

He was a member of the survivors' advisory group attached to the Royal Commission, and has been part of the design team that put together the independent redress proposal last year.

Despite the release of the report, Keith says he feels there's still work to be done - mainly against attitudes. 

"Agencies' responses have been to resist, deny, minimise and cover up. It's been about corrupt practices and abuse of power," says Keith