Photo: © Victoria University of Wellington. All rights reserved.
From November 1st, Pharmac will fully fund Estrogel, which currently costs at least $40 a month.
It's hoped the estrogen gel will provide a solution to the ongoing shortage of HRT patches.
A GP in Wellington for 17 years, co-founder of the Wellington Menopause Clinic, and founder/director of Te Tātai Hauora o Hine (the National Centre for Women's Health Research Aotearoa) at Victoria University of Wellington, Professor Bev Lawton has been researching topical eostrogen.
Bev's also conducted a lot of research around the recently introduced at-home smear test, and is on a quest, along with the Cancer Society to end cervical cancer.
She joins Mihi to discuss menopause, the gel and the impact so far of the HPV self test.