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Freedom Farmers
Images from the exhibition Freedom Farmers: New Zealand Artists Growing Ideas, currently showing at the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki (to 23 February 2014).
Allan McDonald. Born 1951, Wellington. Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand. Relocations, Demolitions and a Garden with Barbed Wire 2003–13. Colour photographic prints, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Anna Miles Gallery
Edith Amituanai. Born 1980, Auckland. Lives and works in Auckland. From the series La fine del mondo2009–10. Colour photographic prints. Courtesy of the artist and Anna Miles Gallery.
Francis Upritchard. Born 1976, New Plymouth. Lives and works in London. Jockey 2012; Yellow and Black Gown 2012 (installation views). Modelling material, foil, wire, paint. Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. Gift of the Patrons of the Auckland Art Gallery, 2013
Tessa Laird. Born 1971, Auckland. Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand. The Politics of Ecstasy 2013 (installation views). Hand-built ceramics, earthenware with ceramic paint, painted secondhand wooden furniture, custom-built shelves. Commissioned by Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. Courtesy of the artist, Melanie Roger Gallery and private collectors.
Isabel Thom. Born 1965, Auckland. Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand. Untitled 2013 (installation views). Stoneware and earthernware ceramic prototypes: teapots, cups, jugs, planters, rocket stoves, bowls and flat plates. Courtesy of the artist.
Xin Cheng. Born 1983, Kunming, China. Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand. Propositions 2013 (installation views). Vinyl, felted wool, corrugated cardboard, native edible plants, potting mix, bamboo, fabric, plastic, used tires (courtesy of MRM Tyres), tiedowns, Paul Hogan’s tire tree idea, used bicycle inner tubes and bicycle chains (courtesy of T White’s Bikes and Tumeke Cycle Space), Jevgenij Masteev’s bike chain shelf idea, digging stick idea from Thomas J Elpel, pine, branches, light bulbs, wax, tallow, string, rope, tape, bungy cords, metal fixings, cardboard, paper, bread, rocks, plaster, latex, wire, flax, mud, straw
Martin Basher. Born 1979, Wellington. Lives and works in New York, United States. Untitled (Spiritual-Marketplace 01) 2013 (installation views). Oil on canvas; oil, acrylic, enamel and tape on cardboard; acrylic sheet and aluminium; metal halide lamp and beads and consumer goods. Commissioned by Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. Courtesy of the artist and Starkwhite.
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.