Navigation for Saturday Morning
Sandy Adsett
Sandy Adsett
Sandy Adsett (Trina Edwards/TWOA)
“Kahurangi” (in Te Papa’s Toi Art collection) (Norm Heke)
From “Heke” series (Norm Heke)
From “Nga Manu - Flight” series (Norm Heke)
From "Patu nga Wairua – Conflicts” series (Norm Heke)
From “Whare Ngaro – Broken Whare” series (Norm Heke)
From “Nikau” series (Norm Heke)
From the “Niho” series (in Te Papa’s Toi Art collection) (Norm Heke)
Te Papa Marae - side walls for the whare 1 (Supplied)
Te Papa Marae - side walls for the whare 2 (Supplied)
Te Papa Marae - side walls for the whare 1 (Supplied)
Te Papa Marae - side walls for the whare 4 (Supplied)
Te Waka Toi contemporary Maori art exhibition, Herd Museum, Phoenix, US (Supplied)
Indigenous arts gathering Evergreen State College 2017. Sandy Adsett back right (Mel Ponder)
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.