Images of works by artists Greer Twiss and Felix Kelly, with reference to the books Fix: the Art and Life of Felix Kelly by Donald Bassett (Creative Educational Press), and Greer Twiss by Greer Twiss and Dr Robin Woodward (Ron Sang Publishing), as discussed by Mary Kisler and Kim Hill on Saturday 26 April 2014.
1. Greer Twiss, Marionette’s Carnival 1955. Auckland War Memorial Museum
2. Greer Twiss, Karangahape Rd Fountain, 1969. Bronze, 1900 x 4000 x 3000mm. Auckland Council
3. Greer Twiss, Red Legs 2, 1970. Lacquered fibreglass and aluminium, 1080 x 710 x 600 mm. Collection of John and Lynda Matthews
4. Greer Twiss, The Bomb will Maim, 1965. Bronze, 520 x 560 x220mm. Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki
5. Greer Twiss, The Birds, 1997. Copper-plated lead, various dimensions. Private Collection
6. Greer Twiss , Degas Passed This Way, 2002. Galvanised steel and French tulle, 1000 x 460 x 460 mm (excluding base). Collection of the artist
7. Greer Twiss, Victory Sans Wings, 2011. Wax, steel, glass, wood and cloth, 370 x 320 x 170mm. Collection of the artist
1. Felix Kelly, Early Lineswoman, 1937. Gouache, 310 x 240mm. Private collection, Auckland
2. Felix Kelly
Dust Cover for Twilight Stories by Rhoda Broughton, 1947
3. Felix Kelly, The White Village, Spain, 1949. Oil, 342 x 457mm. Collection of Johnny van Haeften, London
4. Felix Kelly, Page from Harper's Bazaar 42, 1950. Private Collection, Auckland.
5. Felix Kelly, Buckland House 1945. Oil, 415 x 330mm, Collection of Leslie Peacock, Wellington
6. Felix Kelly, Christmas Card depicting 17th Century Apparatus for Distilling Christmas Spirit, 1958. Private Collection, Auckland
7. Felix Kelly, New Zealand River Scene 1962. Oil, 165 x 290mm. Private Collection, England
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.