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Recent items from Saturday Morning
The Beths: Why Kiwi artists struggle in Australian music scene
4:40 PM.In five years Kiwi indie-rock darlings The Beths have sky-rocketed from playing K-Road's Whammy bar, to international success. Recent achievements include a NPR Tiny Desk concert, a stint touring with… Read more Audio
Artist Ned Wenlock dives into a new medium with Tsunami graphic novel
3:00 PM.Paekakariki-based award-winning animator, illustrator and graphic artist Ned Wenlock's first graphic novel Tsunami is a cautionary tale about Peter, a self-righteous12-year-old boy, and his fraught… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for 2 September 2023
11:55 AM.Listener Feedback for 2 September 2023. Audio
Triggered? Dr Jonathan Shedler on the overuse of therapy speak
11:05 AM.Phrases such as 'triggered' and 'toxic' are actually taking us away from understanding our own psychology and that of other people, says psychoanalyst Dr Jonathan Shedler. "This is a language of… Read more Audio
Pet detective Anne-Marie Curry
10:40 AM.Pets are part of the family. It's devastating when they are stolen or go missing. Anne-Marie Curry founded and runs Sydney-based pet detective service Arthur & Co in 2017. It's the only one of its… Read more Audio
Liv McClymont and Aurora Garner-Randolph: standing up for consent
9:30 AM.A shocking survey revealing the extent of sexual harassment at her old high school inspired filmmaker Liv McClymont to look closer at why consent education is still not compulsory in NZ schools. Her… Read more Audio
The weird and wonderful worlds of Patrick deWitt
9:05 AM.Canadian author and screenwriter Patrick deWitt has a penchant for weirdos and non-heroes. His books include Man Booker shortlisted The Sisters Brothers, a Western featuring sibling assassins… Read more Audio
An uninvited kiss - a pivotal moment in women's football?
8:10 AM.A now infamous kiss has arguably over-shadowed Spain's magnificent victory in the 2023 Women's World Cup. President of the Royal Spanish Football Federation and vice president of the Union of European… Read more Audio
Book Critic: Anna Rankin
2:10 PM.Today Anna talks to Jesse about Jared Davidson's book, Blood and Dirt: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand. Audio
Listener feedback for 26 August 2023
11:55 AM.Listener feedback for 26 August 2023. Audio
Colin Monteath: Erebus, ice and fire
11:36 AM.Mount Erebus is an ultra mountain and the planet's southernmost volcano. Sheathed in ice, with hundreds of ice caves and a lava lake, its name is synonymous with the tragic 1979 air accident. Polar… Read more Audio, Gallery
Polly Barton: we need to talk about porn
11:06 AM.Curious about the complex and seemingly taboo subject of porn, British writer Polly Barton spent a year asking her acquaintances for their honest feelings about it. "Porn is a topic that brings… Read more Audio
Danyl McLauchlan: a Machiavellian view of politics
10:40 AM.Scientist and writer Danyl McLauchlan joins Kim to tackle life's big questions, ideas and thinkers. This week, Nicolo Machiavelli, the founder of modern political theory, who argued that politics… Read more Audio
Graphic designer Paula Scher: painting with words
10:05 AM.New York-based Paula Scher is one of the world's most influential graphic designers. A partner at Pentagram design studio since 1991, she began her career as an art director in the 1970s and 80s, when… Read more Audio, Gallery
Calling in the debt owed by slave-holding nations
9:40 AM.A report co-authored by a UN judge has added to growing international calls for reparations to be paid by perpetrators of transatlantic slavery. The Brattle Group Report calculates 31 former… Read more Audio
David Scheel: the mysteries of octopuses
9:05 AM.The octopus is a highly intelligent and deeply mysterious creature. It changes colour as quickly as it can move, and it thinks with its tentacles. Marine biologist David Scheel has had a life-long… Read more Audio
City Shaper Roger Madelin
How do you transform an underused inner-city area into an attractive and thriving place to live and work? Awarded a CBE for Services to Sustainable Development, Roger Madelin is credited with… Read more Audio
How to talk to kids about fatphobia
5:05 PM.The word 'fat' has been weaponised against people living in bigger bodies and it's time we stripped away its negative connotations, says American journalist Virginia Sole-Smith. She helps parents… Read more Audio
Listener feedback for 19 August 2023
11:55 AM.Listener feedback for 19 August 2023. Audio
Playing favourites with When The Cat's Away
11:05 AM.When the Cat's Away is reuniting at Auckland Town Hall for a one night special on October 1st to celebrate and farewell their friend and fellow band mate Margaret Urlich, who died last year. It's the… Read more Audio
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Richard von Sturmer: a year walking and dreaming in the Waikato
10:35 AM.A travel guide like no other, combining poetry, photos and history, Walking with Rocks - Dreaming with Rivers - My Year in the Waikato is the result of Richard von Sturmer's year as writer in… Read more Audio
From cage fighter to writer: Airana Ngarewa
10:05 AM.Airana Ngarewa left school to become a cage fighter. He hated English. Now a teacher, he's being described as a major new literary talent. His first novel is The Bone Tree. Born and raised in Patea… Read more Audio
'There's never a cheaper time to retreat than straight after a disaster'
9:35 AM.Rivers have been given room to flood safely in the Netherlands for two decades, mitigating against flooding during severe weather events. Forest and Bird freshwater advocate Tom Kay is touring the… Read more Audio
Barrie Rice: We Were Blackwater
8:10 AM.The aftermath of the 2003 Iraq invasion is told by former New Zealand SAS soldier Barrie Rice in his book We Were Blackwater - Life, death and madness in the killing fields of Iraq. Read more Audio
Listener feedback for August 12 2023
12:00 PM.Kim Hill's listener feedback for Saturday 12th August 2023 Audio