Navigation for Sounds Historical

Sounds Historical 27 April 2008

Part One 8:08-9:00

8:08 Today in New Zealand History

Cabbage Tree

8:13 Cobb and Co

The Bluegrass Expedition LP Kiwi SLC 146

8:17 Dr Kenneth Roberts

On his involvement mountaineering in Otago in the 1920s.
Part One. Recorded 1990: finding Lake Roberts in Fiordland.

8:32 Forgotten Dreams (Anderson)

Gil Dech LP REGAL SREG 30049

8:35 Homework

8:37 The Whitebait Fishers Part One

8:46 Messages home from RNZAF J_Force men 1947

8:56 Fill: Serenade to Eileen (Sears)

Gil Dech LP Regal SREG 30049

Part Two 9:04-10:00

9:04 As I Remember

Fuel to Fiordland by Alan Smith of Christchurch

9:09 In Search of a Moose (Parsons)

Rosy Parsons
Private CD

9:17 Homework

9:18 Bainham - a visit to the Golden Bay town in the 1970s

9:31 As I Remember

A Vandalism story of the 1950s by Vic Smith

9:33 Book: Facing the Music

Jim Sullivan talks to Joanna Woods about her biography of Charles Baeyertz.
Charles Baeyertz and the Triad By Joanna Woods.

9:51 Roses of Picardy

John McCormack LP Pelican LP 101

9:57 Fill: Dance Medley

The Swingalongs Private CD