Sounds Historical for Sunday 8 September 2013
8:09 Today in New Zealand History: the arrival of immigrants in Port Albert, Northland - 8 September 1862
8:14 Ninety ninth anniversary of Ralph Mine explosion - 12 September 1914
Joseph O'Brien, who was injured in the explosion, recalls the events of the day. 43 men were killed underground.
8:38 Song: Wood River
Artist: North Shore Ladies Choir
Composer: Connie Kaldor
Album Something to Sing About
Label: n/s
8:46 Broadcaster David Frost dies
In this tribute we hear any early item from his entertainment days "The Cricket Deck of Cards", and in an interview with journalists he gives his views on television, comedy and interviewing.
8:56 Song: The Hole in the Hill
Artist: Rod Derrett
Composer: Fiona Shaffrey
Album Rod Derrett Sings
Label: HMV CSDM 6262
9:06 As I Remember - Tales of the Ice Man
9:12 The Pyjama Game Medley
Artist: John Parkin (piano)
Composer: Adler/Ross
Album Plays Hits from the Shoes
Label: HMV MCLP 6067
9:18 August Homework Result
9:22 'He Taught Me' - a 1952 talk by Alex Dey about his former teacher, Charles Edmund Bevan-Brown, headmaster of Christchurch Boys' High School from 1883-1920
He recalls several anecdotes about Mr Bevan-Brown [1854-1926], including the farewell to old boys departing with the Main Contingent in World War I and his personal interest in all who were serving. He says Gordon Harper [DCM] made a great farewell speech at the send-off. The school sent parcels to all Old Boys at the front and the Old Boys' Association became a very active organisation. The Head wrote to all who were serving and a reception was held for returning Old Boys. He also talks about the move of the school to its new site and the establishment of the school hostel and the history behind Mr Bevan-Brown's nickname. In 2013 new boys are still being told the Bevan-Brown story on their first day at the school.
9:38 Song: The Maid Behind the Bar
Artist: Marcus Turner
Composer: Trad.
Album The Best is Yet to Come
Label: City Folk CFR 007
9:42 Book of the Week: Wanted, a Beautiful Barmaid, by Susan Upton
Victoria University Press (ISBN 9780864 738943)