Navigation for Sounds Historical

8:08 Today in New Zealand History 3’58”

Gordon Coates enters Parliament 14 December 1911.      

8:13 Artist: Society Jazzmen 3’08”

Song: American Patrol
Composer: Miller
Album: Vintage Trad
Label:Zodiac promovintage

8:18 And What Do You Think of Tauranga? 7’25”

Extracts from BBC reports from Robert Hudson and John Timpson who were covering the Royal Tour of 1963, providing BBC listeners with “colour pieces” about the places the Queen was visiting. Robert Hudson who died in 2010 was best known for Test Match Special which he launched in 1957. In 1976, Tauranga was a medium-sized urban area, with a population of around 48,000, smaller than Napier or Invercargill but its growth has been phenomenal and its population is now 121,000 and at this rate will soon overtake Dunedin as the country’s fifth-biggest city.                                          

8:26 Bookshelf 

Young Country by Kerry Hines. Auckland University Press, ISBN 978 1 86940 823 7

8:27 Artist: Toni Williams 2’05”

Song: Born Free
Composer: n/s
Album: Best of Toni William
Labe:; Zodiac Heritage Series Vol 7                       

Toni Williams  —  in his own words ... “I was born in the Cook Islands and I came to New Zealand at the age of 11.  My interest in the guitar and entertaining began while spending 13 months in hospital following a football injury.  In 1956 I formed a skiffle group called the Housewarmers, and then in 1958 the name was changed to Toni Williams and The Tremellos.  I played rhythm guitar and was the lead vocalist.  Residencies followed at Auckland's Rock 'n Roll Dance venue, and then under the management of Harry M. Miller, I toured New Zealand with local and overseas entertainers.  My record releases under the La Gloria label included 22 singles, EPs and LPs.  Further releases followed with several recording companies, these numbered 20.”

8:31 Mountain guide Frank Alack (1899-1991) 5’16”

Tells of a winter journey to the Otoko Valley on the West Coast in 1935. Recorded in 1962. Frank’s autobiography Share My Joys was published in 1974.                            

8:38 Bookshelf

The Enderby Settlement by Conon Fraser. University of Otago Press, ISBN  978 1 877578 59 5

8:39 Artist: The Pioneer Pog 'n Scroggin, Bush Band 4’24”

Song:  Diamantina Drover
Composer: Hugh McDonald
Album: Love of the Land
Label: Radio New Zealand cassette 9401  

Australian song – Diamantina is a river in west Queensland

8:44 Speak of the Devil 9’27”

Extracts from a 1973 Spectrum documentary produced by Bill Saunders in which he talks to people about their belief or disbelief in the devil. 

8:53 War Report 20 5’54”

Extract from a soldier’s letter home to his family in Blenheim. “THE HEAT. Unfortunately there is a censorship over all our letters, so I can’t tell you many particulars of our doings or whereabouts. In consequence of the hot weather very little clothing is worn. A thin cotton shirt and loose denim trousers comprise my outfit. It is very close in our “hotels” and owing to this I have joined the majority of other troops in sleeping on deck. During the last two nights, however, very heavy showers have caused us hastily to remove our bedding and get /down to our bunks. This afternoon we have no drill, as the time is to be devoted to airing bedding and generally clearing up. Our hours of drill are: 6.30 a.m. till 7.30 a.m. 9 a.m. till 11 a.m., 2.30 p.m. till 4.30 p.m.”

Marjorie Lees, then a schoolgirl, tells of falling in love with a soldier who was later killed and explains how little young people knew about the war.

Extract from a speech to the Maori contingent by Minster of Defence Allen. “I saw you in camp in the early stages of your training and I have seen you a pain to-day. I notice a very marked difference, not only in your —that naturally would be in evidence but in your faces. I don't know whether you realise how much this camp training has done for you. You are all much more physically fit than when I saw you before. If one can judge by your countenances, you are much more determined to ii i the work in front of you and you know a great deal more about it. Perhaps some of you may be becoming impatient at the routine of drill work, but if you could realise as I do how much that routine has done for you, there would be no more impatience. I want to remind you that your European brother is undergoing the training just- as you are. You have still a few more weeks of field work to do. I want to congratulate you all upon your very marked improvement, both of officers and men. It will be highly gratifying to the pakehas to send away such a fine body of our Maori brethren.


Artist: John McCormack
Song: There’s a Long Long Trail A Winding
Composer: King/Elliott
Album: Oh, It’s a Lovely War Vol 2
Label: CD41 486309

Artist: Violet Lorraine and George Robey
Song: If You Were the Only Girl in the World
Composer: n/s
Album: Songs of World War 1
Label: Goentertainment 557331 1900s                     

9:06 As I Remember 3’18”

My Love of Radio by George Clephane of Geraldine read by Damon Taylor.                                        

9:10 Bookshelf

Thee Diggers’ Story, edited by Julia Bradshaw. Canterbury University Press, ISBN 9 781927 145609

9:11 As I Remember 4’54”

Toy Story – Lego by Quentin Jamieson of Gisborne, read by Duncan Smith.    

9:17 As I Remember 1’11"

A cricket story from Martin Donnelly. New Zealand cricketer recalls an “LBW” in a match in England after the war in which the legendary Emmott Robinson was an umpire.  

9:20 Artist: Addington Workshops Band 3’18”

Song: Colonel Bogey
Album: 45
Label Fidelity FR 114                               

Recorded 1965.
Addington Workshops Brass Band began in 1883.

Funded by a levy of all employees who worked there and composed of workshop employees, the band was formed to feature at picnics and other social events. Surviving a recess through two world wars and several name changes, Addington Brass is still an integral part of the Christchurch community.

130 years later the band is still going strong. With the recent addition of a junior brass academy the future of the band is now looking better than ever.

Throughout the year Addington Brass are involved in many concerts and events in and around Christchurch. Some of our recent performances include:

2013 Arts Festival - Brass Band Spectacular
2013 Tea Dance concert at the Wigram Air Force Museum
2013 Papanui RSA ANZAC Service
2013 Christchurch City Council Summer Bandstand Concerts
2012 Christmas Mission Concert fundraising for the City Mission
2012 Santa Parade

As well as performing at many engagements, Addington Brass opened its new rehearsal facilities in March 2003. A new look rehearsal hall with acoustic panels, 3 new acoustic practice/teaching rooms and an upper level built to host one of New Zealand's most extensive music libraries. Officially opened by the Mayor, Garry Moore and blessed by the Dean of Christchurch Cathedral, the very reverend Peter Beck, the new bandroom now gives Addington Brass the facility it needs for its extensive rehearsal schedule.  

9:25 As I Remember 2’02”

Toy Story – The Traveller Top by Robert Mann of Wangaparoa.        

9:28 The Battle of the River Plate 9’35”

Seventy-five years ago yesterday New Zealand sailors helped strike the first blow at the enemy at the beginning of the Second World War at what has become known as the Battle of the River Plate. The morale-boosting Allied victory saw the HMS Achilles, a ship loaned to New Zealand by the Royal Navy, join two other naval vessels in hunting down and attacking the German pocket battleship, Admiral Graf Spee off the coast of South America.

The German ship was damaged and made port at Montevideo in Uruguay, but being a neutral port the ship couldn't stay there and instead of making a run for it, the Graf Spee was scuttled in the harbour a few days later. Here’s a report from veterans' affairs reporter, Andrew McRae. We hear from Bob Harvey Bob Batt, Thomas Luckman, captain, later admiral, Sir Edward Parry  and Michael Wynd from the Navy Museum.

9:40 Bookshelf

Victoria Square - Cradle of Christchurch by Geoffrey Rice. Canterbury University Press, ISBN 978 1 927145 58 6

9:41 Artist: Standard 4 Mt Roskill School (Recorded 1964) 2’41”

Song: The Lollipop Tree
Composer: Bruce
Album: 45
Label Kiwi SA 39                                 

9:45 As I Remember

Toy Story – Cricket by Jennifer Brown of Whanganui

9:46 Book of the Week 10’34”

White Ghosts, Yellow Peril – China and New Zealand 1790 – 1950 by Stevan Eldred-Grigg and Zeng Dazheng.
Otago University Press, ISBN 978 1 877578-65-6

Zeng Dazheng discusses the experiences of Chinese in New Zealand during the goldfields era and the 1930s and 1940s and comments on the different experience of modern Chinese immigrants.                             

The 1950s were a watershed of the Chinese experience in New Zealand.