Sounds Historical for Sunday 6 September 2015
8:08 Today in New Zealand History
On 6 September 1903, famous linguist Harold Williams reports from Germany in his new role as Times correspondent.
8:15 Artist: Four and One More and the Zodiac Mellotones
Song: Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes
Composer: Moore
8:18 Memories of a Film Projectionist
Doug Harvey talks to Jonathon Denis about his career in the cinema. Part 2
8:25 Artist: Mavis Rivers
Song: Kiss of Fire
Composer: n/s
8:29 A New Zealander at the Japanese Surrender 70 Years Ago - 2 September 1945
An unidentified officer on HMNZS Gambia introduces naval Lieutenant I. D. (John) Allingham, who gives an account of the surrender ceremony and signing aboard the US S Missouri. He was an aide for the New Zealand signatory, Air Vice-Marshal Isitt, and witnessed the event at close quarters. He describes American sailors packing every vantage point to watch the historic occasion; he lists the signatories who were present, including 11 Japanese representatives and American General MacArthur. He describes the different uniforms of those present and the exchanging of pens. An air salute passed over the Missouri and then he returned to Gambia.
8:37 Artist: The Big City Six
Song: What is the Thing?
Composer: Green
Album: A Night on the Town
Label: Zodiac
8:40 Station T.O.T
A recording of early children's radio session, hosted by two young boys, one called Albert. It features 9 year old violinist Alan Loveday (later an outstanding professional musician). Don Richardson - piano accordion plays Canadian Capers. The T.O.T. Chorus sing a song about Switzerland with yodelling. Xylophone item by John and Elisabeth Tait. The Junior Hillbilly Hotshots with Ragtime Cowboy Joe.
8:52 War Report 52
Poems written home from Gallipoli to his family at Gimmerburn, Maniototo, by Trooper Jack Duncan. Introduced by Adam Macauley and read by Duncan Smith.
Artist: John McCormack
Song: There’s a Long Long Trail A Winding
Composer: King/Elliott
Album: Oh, It’s a Lovely War Vol 2
Label: CD41 486309
9:00 News
9:06 As I Remember
The Shacklock Range by Robin Shepherd of Kaitaia.
9:08 Artist: Phil Tilbury
Song: At My Mother’s House in Dunedin
Composer: Tilbury
9:15 Film pioneer Stanhope Andrews recalls the early days of what became the National Film Unit in the 1940s
Andrews is described as “an ideas man who campaigned for a Government film body. Stanhope Andrews would become the National Film Unit's first manager. Andrews commanded the Unit for a decade. Along the way he oversaw dramatic expansion, set up regular newsreel Weekly Review, and opened the door to filmmakers of both genders. Includes an extract from film “Country Lads”. Recorded in 1962.
9:28 Artist: Coral Cummins and Alan Dunford with Doug Caldwell Quartet
Song: Foodosophy
Composer: Dunford
9:32 The Story of Kershaws of Martinborough.
Pain and Kershaw has been in business since 1873 and Rob Webb talks to third-generation Kershaw family member David Kershaw who ran the business until recent times.
9:49 Artist: Del Harris with Reg Gould’s Orchestra
Song: Shanghai
Composer: n/s
9:52 The Radio Doctor
An example of a radio talk by Dr H (Harold) B Turbott from the 1960s. The topic is diet and the role of the potato. In 1943 Prime Minister Fraser sacked the controller of the National Commercial Broadcasting Service, C. G. Scrimgeour (‘Uncle Scrim’), and invited Turbott to take over his daily health talks. This supposedly temporary arrangement lasted until 1946. In 1952 Harold Turbott was persuaded by Minister of Health Jack Marshall to revive this role and deliver weekly health talks geared towards disease prevention. He maintained this schedule for more than three decades. Copies of these talks were sent to every public health nurse as background information for their own addresses to patients and community groups. Selected broadcasts ended up in print with the publication of Radio talks on health in 1946. From 1952 many were reprinted in the monthly Department of Health magazine, Health. A reference guide to his talks was published in 1969 as Guidelines to health, a book described by the journal as ‘small enough not to intimidate a busy housewife’. A second edition was released in 1983. On 24 March 1984 the Evening Post reported that ‘The radio doctor, Dr Harold Turbott, tuned out this morning without even a hint that it was his final medical broadcast after a 41-year career’. In 1987 he received the Mobil Radio Award.