Sounds Historical for Sunday 25 October 2015
8:08 Today in New Zealand History 4’24”
A general amnesty for Maori 25 October 1864.
8:11 Music Track
Artist: Christopher Cape
Song: Burkes Pass
Composer: Cape
Album: Burkes Pass and Other Journeys
1:19 Memories of 4YA in Dunedin 13’12”
Pearl Eustace whose father Fred O’Neill established one of the earliest radio stations, 4YA in Dunedin, talks to Jim Sullivan in the 1990s and remembers working with her father on radio in the early 1920s. Pearl tells of her father’s interest in radio both technically and in content. Once her father had the power up to 500 watts reception could be heard all over New Zealand. She explains he was an electrical engineer with his own shop and studio where people would come and be broadcast. There were bands and elocution items but he’d broadcast anything, Dr Radcliffe brought in a machine and wanted amplification for the heartbeat. Pearl or Arthur Harrison would play the piano, or Pearl would sing, she helped organise programmes and took the reins when he was away in Australia. When on the air he would say, “Hello, hello, hello… this is Dunedin Broadcasting 4YA, this will be a song by Pearl O’Neil.” Many people wanted to come and contribute. Pearl tells of the day a highland pipe band marched onto the street, out of the blue her father guided them into the studio where they played an item before leaving.
8:23 Turakina Maori Girls College 10’13”
Turakina Maori Girls College may close next year after 110 years. It began at Turakina in 1905 and moved to Marton in 1927. It was extended in 1971 at which time these recordings were made. A musical item from the girls and Secretary of Maori and Island Affairs Jock McEwen makes a speech in Maori and English, and performs a song telling of the naming of the area.
8:33 Themes Galore. 8’09”
An extract from a 1963 programme marking the 25th anniversary of Station 2ZA Palmerston North. Norm Allan introduces some of the programme themes used by the station.
8:53 War Report Fifty-Nine 6’45”
Extract from a letter to the editor of the Otago Daily Times describing horror at the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell. Duncan McCormack describes his reasons for being a conscientious objector and Doug Dibley recalls arriving at Gallipoli after the major battles.
Artist: John McCormack
Song: There’s a Long Long Trail A Winding
Composer: King/Elliott
Album: Oh, It’s a Lovely War Vol 2
Label: CD41 486309
Artist: Peter Dawson
Song: Boys of the Old Brigade (McGuigan)
Composer: McGuigan
Album: Oh, It's A Lovely War Vol 2
Label: CD 41 486309
8:59 Music Track
Artist: Radio New Zealand Studio Orchestra
Song: I’ll Put You Together Again
Composer: Black/Steven
Album: Orchestral Gold Vol 2
Label: Tartar TRL 005
9:05 As I Remember 3’09”
Banking in the 1950s by Brian Noonan of Christchurch.
9:10 Youth Takes Over 16’33”
An episode of a 1948 series of “Youth Takes Over” looking at Auckland secondary schools featuring Queen Victoria Maori Girl’s School Auckland, which closed in 2001as the roll declined.
One student introduces the school, explaining that the girls come from as far away as Te Hapua in the North and New Plymouth. After Betty Wanoa sends greetings in Maori to their families. The girls sing “Wikitoria” the first of several musical items. The Fourth Formers sing “Whispering Hope”The Third Form girls sing “The Ash Grove”The Seniors sing “The China Mandarin”. Miriama Pirikahu plays a piano piece. Students describe activities available at the school and the place of Maori language studies in their curriculum. A pupil also talks about basketball, the St John’s Nursing Cadets and first aid training the item ends with a brief history and another rendition of “Wikitoria”.
9:30 Barry Crump 22’29”
George Balani talks to writer Barry Crump on The Tonight Show in 1986.
Artist: Barry Crump and Paul Harrop's Good Keen Men
Song: A Dog Called Blue
Composer: Crump,Harrop
Album: 7" Single
Label: Kiwi sa 70
9:57 Radio Commercials from the 1960's
Four Square, Self Help, McKenzes
9:59 Music Track
Artist: Radio New Zealand Studio Orchestra
Song: Waterfalls
Composer: McCartney
Album: Orchestral Gold Vol 1
Label: Kiwi Tartar TRL 005