Sounds Historical for Sunday 27 December 2015
After 53 years in radio and 23 years hosting Sounds Historical, Jim Sullivan's final programme is "just a touch autobiographical".
Steve Hillman, Ian Telfer, Sarah Johnston (Sound Archives), Jim Sullivan and Alison Lloyd Davies at Jim's farewell lunch Photo: Supplied
8:08 Jim Sullivan reminisces about 53 years in broadcasting
He introduces one of his early recordings from 1964 in which he reads from the diary of Dr Leatham for Sound Archives, and describes his interest in voices, especially when used in a humorous way.
8:10 Item: Party Political Speech by Peter Sellers
Artist: Peter Sellers
Album: Peter Sellers: The Collection
Label: EMI
8:15 Announcing:
Jim recalls his early days as a radio announcer and introduces an extract from a1970s breakfast session from 4ZB.
8:18 Documentaries:
Jim talks about his interest in documentaries and plays an extract from documentary in which Ted Finnie of the Cave Hotel in South Canterbury recalls the train, the Fairlie Flyer. Marshall Siegert of Fairlie remembers the train in the 1890s. The Picasso Trio sing “The Ballad of the Fairlie Flyer”.
8:27 Oral history
Bunty Longuet recalls her top-secret work in World War Two as part of an oral history project for the book “Doing Our Bit” published in 2002.
8:41 Item: Word Power
Artist: Spike Milligan
Album: Milligan Preserved
Label: EMI
8:49 Song: The Phone Call
Artist:John Clark
Album: The Brian Edwards Show
Label: HMV
8:52 VJ Day in Colombo St, Christchurch with Jack Maybury
8:58 Song: My Love
Artist: Radio New Zealand Studio Orchestra (soloist Colin Hemmingson)
Composer: McCartney
Album: Orchestral Gold Vol 1
Label: Kiwi Tartar TRL 005
9:05 The Soaps
Radio historian Peter Downes tells the story of radio’s serials, the “soap operas of the 1940s to 1960s.
9:11 Muldoon in His Own Words
A episode from the programmes compiled from an oral history commissioned by the Alexander Turnbull Library and recorded by Jim Sullivan with the retired prime minister in the early 1990s. This episode covers the 1984 snap election.
9:24 Song: Down the Hall on Saturday Night
Artist: Peter Cape
Composer: Cape
Album: A Night on the Town
Label: Zodiac
9:27 Depression Miners
Fred and Ngaire Miller reminisce about their days in the 1930s Depression living beside the Clutha River and fossicking for gold.
9:41 The Classic Radio Blooper
Lt Cmder Thomas Woodruff describes the Spithead Review in the 1930s.
9:46 Memorable Moments
An extract from “In Touch With New Zealand” in 2004 with Tessa (9) and Rosie Sullivan (7) reviewing a Dunedin production of “The Pied Piper”.
9:52 Farewell
9:55 Song: Down A Country Road I Know
Artist: The Pioneer Pog ‘n’ Scroggin’ Bush Band
Composer: McMillan/GArland
Album: Sesqui: The Lives And Landscapes Of Otago, Live in Concert At Dansey's Pass
Label: Private