The Jonesonian Institute
It’s a museum of dreams and memories. A bit tongue-in-cheek really, but its founder was inspired by a friend with Alzheimers.
Dementia, copyright Isabel Sutherland
The tiny Jonesonian Institute …think Smithsonian Institution …is hidden away in Auckland’s Waitakere Ranges.
Preserved Memories, copyright Isabel Sutherland
There, you’ll find bottling jars full of preserved memories, marbles (in case of loss), pliers (in memory of being pliable) and photo art depicting dementia, and nightmares of genetic engineering!
Isabel Sutherland, artist (photo T Chappell)
Before you can see any of this, visitors are welcomed by photographic artist Isabel Sutherland before she hands over to her mysterious alter-ego , Museum Curator “J.I. Sutherland”, described by one blogger as ‘one of the most talented, eccentric women on the planet!’
Genetic Nightmare, copyright Isabel Sutherland
For Spectrum, David Steemson goes calling.