Automata Nocturne: A Night at the Museum

From Spectrum, 12:05 pm on 12 July 2015

Museum Blair SomervilleSo, a funny thing happened on the way to the Lost Gypsy Gallery in Southland’s Catlins region – Katy Gosset got a bit lost herself. Throw in a shortcut, an icy gravel road and a plea for free petrol. And Katy found herself approaching the remote Papatowai gallery and museum just on dusk.The gallery is run by Blair Somerville who creates humorous and thought-provoking moving sculptures, or automata, from recycled materials.

Open in summer, the museum is popular among tourists and once even beat Te Papa for an award voted on by travellers. But few have seen it under cover of darkness.

Katy is treated to a rare tour by torchlight, a night at the museum. She calls it ‘Automata Nocturne’.

Blair Somerville enjoys one of his outdoor leadlight creations.

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Blair’s favourite art work (Vague Warnings of Doom). The gurglers were some of Blair’s first creations.

The creations begin in Blair’s summer workshop.

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Blair playing the piano in his Museum of Sorts and a nose pincher.