Standing Room Only for Sunday 9 July 2017
12:16 Luck of the draw
By 1916, the number of men volunteering to join New Zealand's military forces overseas in the First World War had fallen so dramatically that conscription was brought in. 20,000 soldiers had their names effectively pulled out of a hat during monthly ballots.
Now eight young artists, dancers, musicians and writers are thinking back to that time, watching historic film footage, and now revealling work they've created for an on-line exhibition called Luck of the Draw. Lynn Freeman talks to Libby Masterton who's the Programme Director of the WW-100, and to two of the participants - Massey University spatial design student Etanah Lalau and Auckland-based playwright Nathan Joe, who's written a short play called Those Left Behind.
Luck of the Draw is a WW-100 project. It goes live online on Tuesday, July 11.
12.32 Sonia Sly's Just One Thing
Just One Thing is a podcast series about precious objects and the stories behind them. And this week is a story about family, friendship and the odd haunted house. Her guest is TV medium Kelvin Cruickshank.
12:50 Rachel House: wahine Māori
Rachel House Photo: supplied
Māori actor and director Rachel House is about to add screenwriter and film maker to her impressive CV. She's receiving a 50,000 dollar Ramai Hayward Directors' Scholarship for wahine Māori from the New Zealand Film Commission, to make her first feature film. Just last month Rachel became an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit and last year she was co-awarded the Women in Film and Television Mana Wahine award, along with Briar Grace Smith
Rachel's a very familiar face on screen - in films like Whale Rider, The Hunt for the Wilderpeople and as the voice of the grandmother in the hit Disney movie Moana. She talks to Lynn Freeman about her feature film dream.
1:10 At The Movies
This week Simon Morris reviews My Cousin Rachel, The Beautiful Fantastic and The House
1:34 Choreographer Sarah Foster-Spoull's big plans
Sarah Foster-Sproull Photo: supplied
Starting a new Auckland based company for New Zealand dance graduates, is one of the top priorities for choreographer Sarah Foster-Sproull, who's won a 100,000 dollar as part of the 2017 Creative New Zealand Choreographic Fellowship.
Sarah has just submitted her Masters in Dance Studies thesis through the University of Auckland Dance Studies programme, and over the next two years, as she tells Lynn Freeman, she's got ambitious plans for new dance work here, as well as collaborations with international dance companies.
1:48 The Exponents: Who loves who the most?
TVNZ1's Sunday Theatre is about to host a drama about one of our most successful pop groups. It's called Dance Exponents: Why does love? and it brought on a huge dollop of nostalgia for at least one of the Standing Room Only team. Simon Morris remembers shooting videos of the Exponents at the start of their career, and talks to producer Carmen Leonard and director Danny Mulheron about turning real life into gripping drama.
Dance Exponents: Why does love? screens on TVNZ1 on Sunday July 16th.
And for the real thing:
2:06 The Laugh Track - Alex Casey
Alex Casey Photo: SUPPLIED
Today's guest on the Laugh Track is writer and Television Editor of the website The Spinoff, Alex Casey. Alex won the Canon Award for opinion writer (humour) last year, and is a film reviewer for the New Zealand Herald. Her picks include Rose Matafeo, Sarah Silverman, Matt Okine and David O'Doherty.
2:25 Finn Teppett: obsessions, identity and boy bands
Finn Teppett Photo: supplied
He's just in his mid-20s but already Wellington playwright Finn Teppett has won a stack of awards here and overseas, co-created the popular satire White Man Behind A Desk Live! show, and has a couple of films on the go. And this week his latest play opens as part of the Bats Theatre Young and Hungry season in Wellington. Finn descibes One Night Only as an outrageous farce about young people, obsessions, identity and boy bands. Lynn Freeman asked him why, when it's such a struggle to get young people into theatres, Finn wants to write for the stage:
One Night Only is part of the Young & Hungry season at Wellington's BATS Theatre, starting Friday, July 14
One Night Only cast Photo: supplied
2:38 Homesick blues: new writings about where we live
Home Sweet Home. Home is where the heart is. There's no place like home. Keep the homefires burning. 22 New Zealand writers talk about the idea of home in a new collection of essays brought together by Thom Conroy. It's called Home: New Writing. Few of these pieces are nostalgic or sentimental in their interpretations of what home means to them. Often home doesn't mean a house, a home town or even a country - but a state of mind.
Lynn Freeman talks to Thom and to essayist, Sarah Jane Barnett. Home: New Writing is edited by Thom Conroy and published by Massey University Press.
2:50 Everybody's included at the Court Theatre
Rachel Sears Photo: supplied
Christchurch's Court Theatre's been acknowledged for making its productions accessible to as many people as possible. 2017 Arts Access Creative New Zealand "Arts For All" Award. It just won the Creative New Zealand Arts For All Award for its policy of inclusion - opening up its work not only to schools, but for people with autism, dementia, blindness and hearing impairments.
For instance, last year the Court made all its children's shows "relaxed performances" so audience members don't have to stick to the rules of being still and quiet. Lynn Freeman talks to the Court's Education Manager, Rachel Sears,about how to bring in people who wouldn't usually go to the theatre.
3:06 Drama at 3 - Straight Man by Ken Duncum
This week's Drama is an internationally-acclaimed play about modern families. What are they in this age of divorce, separation and blended families?
Music played in this show
Artist: The Exponents
Song: I'll say goodbye
Composer: Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 12.12
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Victoria
Composer: Luck
Album:Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 12.29
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Christchurch
Composer: Gent-Jones-Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 12.58
Artist: Dance Exponents
Song: Airway spies
Composer: Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 1.06
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Whatever happened to Tracy
Composer: Luck-Sheehan
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 1.41
Artist: The Exponents
Song: If only I could die (and love you too)
Composer: Sheehan-Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 1.58
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Who loves who the most
Composer: Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 2.04
Artist: Dance Exponents
Song: Geraldine
Composer: Luck
Album: Sex and agriculture
Label: Universal
Played at: 2.34
Artist: Dance Exponents
Song: Sadness
Composer: Luck
Album: Sex and agriculture
Label: Universal
Played at: 2.58
Artist: Dance Exponents
Song: Swimming to the table of an unknown girl
Composer: Luck
Album: Prayers be answered
Label: Mushroom
Played at: 3.04
Artist: The Exponents
Song: Why does love do this to me
Composer: Luck
Album: Why does love do this to me
Label: Universal
Played at: 3.58