Standing Room Only for Sunday 30 July 2017
12:15 Lydia Wevers bids a fond farewell to the Stout Research Centre
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After 17 years championing New Zealand studies and culture, Professor Lydia Wevers has just stood down as director of Victoria University's Stout Research Centre in Wellington.
Lydia is a literary historian and critic, teacher, writer and scholar.
She took over in 2000 when the centre's future looked shakey, and since then has grown its staff numbers, broadened its areas of research and forged strong links with other research institutions.
That all takes time and effort, and Lydia is leaving to write another book, among other things.
12:30 Just One Thing
12:45 Design
It affects our every day lives and contributes more than 10 billion dollars to the New Zealand economy, but in many ways Design is overlooked, under appreciated and under-funded.
A new report has calculated that Design contributes about 4.2% of GDP and more than ninety four thousand full time equivalent jobs.
Allbirds, the world’s largest direct-to-consumer shoe brand that makes its own products and sells them, proving that firms can set up a smart design hub in New Zealand and sell in huge overseas markets. Photo: supplied
Gallagher TW-3 Weigh Scale and Data Collector. Simple to operate, touch screen weigh scale with the additional functionality of life data and trait recording. Photo: supplied
Now designers want not only recognition, but measures taken to boost the design industry. They say the payback will be improved products and services, increased exports, better buildings and more livable cities.
The Old Nelson Street off-ramp bridge has 4.2 billion colour combinations and minimises power when not in use thereby reducing electricity consumption and helps make this fantastic piece of public art into an eco-friendly masterpiece. Photo: supplied
Lynn Freeman talks the value of design with Professor Claire Robinson, Pro Vice-Chancellor College of Creative Arts at Massey University and convenor of the consortium DesignCo - which commissioned the report - and Robbie van Dam, Director and Co-Founder of Goodnature which designed a self setting trap, the A24, which is now a key tool for pest control around the country.
Professor Claire Robinson, convenor of DesignCo, and Pro Vice-Chancellor College of Creative Arts, Massey University. Photo: supplied
Robbie van Dam, Director and Co-Founder of Goodnature. Photo: supplied
1:10 At The Movies
1:33 Striking Photographs of the Restoration of Christchurch Arts Centre
Since 2013, photographer Johannes van Kan has been putting on a hard hat and hi-vis jacket to photograph the restoration of the historic Christchurch Arts Centre.
The gothic style stone building was severely damaged in the earthquakes, but its rebuild has been one of the good news stories for the city.
Johannes is showing some of his many large format photographs at the Arts Centre's new exhibition space, Pūmanawa.
1:50 On your marks...Lights, Camera, Action!
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Ant Timpson's always pretty busy. If he's not programming the Incredibly Strange section of the New Zealand International Film Festival, or producing some fairly Strange films himself like the Greasy Strangler, he's getting set for his marathon weekend of DIY Kiwi film-making, the 48 Hour Movie Challenge.
2:06 The Laugh Track - Cassandra Tse and James Cain
Our guests today are are Cassandra Tse and James Cain writers of M'Lady a satirical, all-singing, all-dancing look at men's rights activism and pick up artistry opening at BATS Theatre on the 10th August.
Photo: supplied
2:25 Elizabethan Society was Riddled with Informers and Spies
Dr. Bill Angus, School of English and Media Studies at Massey University. Photo: supplied
Even today, surveillance is a provocative topic and we tend to think about cameras or cyber-spying, but a new book exposes just how prevalent spies and informers were in Shakespeare's time - both in his plays and indeed everyday life.
Dr. Bill Angus, a lecturer at Massey University's School of English and Media Studies has been exploring the role of spies and informers in the scripts and society of the Bard and his contemporaries in his new book, Metadrama and the Informer in Shakespeare and Jonson.
2:40 A Work of Heart
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It's part of a project to raise the profile of nursing, New Zealand nurses have expressed their pride, their grief, their observations and their frustrations with the health system, in a collection of poems called Listening with my heart.
Nurse and poet Lorraine Ritchie talks to Lynn Freeman.
2:49 Force Multiplier
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Indi Force is a busy composer, visual and sonic artist from Christchurch, who started out with the psych trip-hop band Doprah.
She's a music mentor, teaches composition, works at the Christchurch Art Gallery and in her spare time, composes for screen and stage.
Her latest project is composing for a new show fusing dance, theatre, comedy and audience interaction called Old Tricks New Dogs.
3:06 Drama at 3 - Tzigane part 2
The Costea children were small when their family emigrated from Romania and they faced many problems growing up in New Zealand. Some of them now have families of their own, but the problems are still just under the surface as they gather for a family reunion.
3:40 Second Drama Feature - Please Help Yourself
A desperate sales girl in a supermarket dreams of joining an ashram in India and finding herself.