The opening week of the 56th Venice Biennale – known as the Vernissage, meaning a preview, has come to an end. The art world insiders have had their chance for a free look at art from 53 countries, the judges have chosen their top three exhibitions and now the public gets a chance to assess what's on offer..
Lemi Ponifasio from the Mau Dance Company is one of New Zealand’s biggest stars on the international arts scene. The Curator of the 2015 Biennale Okwui Enwezor, shoulder tapped Lemi and asked him to create a work for the event.
Top right: Blessing, Lagi Moana project by Lemi Ponifasio. Top right: Robotic version of musical instrument the gamelan. Bottom: Lemi Ponifasio (left), his dancers, and Aboriginal artist Richard Bell (third from right)