1 Nov 2015

Making movies in the Cloud

From Standing Room Only, 1:34 pm on 1 November 2015
Kevin Baillie

Kevin Baillie Photo: Supplied

Atomic Fiction, a studio pioneering the use of cloud computing to improve the filmmaking process and its co-founder Kevin Baillie is heading to New Zealand to tell our filmmakers all about it. He's a guest speaker at ANIMFX in Wellington. Kevin has supervised visuals for projects including Flight, Star Trek Into Darkness, two Transformers franchise installments, and Robert Zemeckis's upcoming film, The Walk. He is also CEO of the groundbreaking cloud rendering platform, ConductorIO, which will be released to the public by the end of 2015. Earlier in his career he worked on award-winning movies such as Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End, Night At The Museum, Superman Returns, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire and HellBoy. Kevin's film career began very early on, when he joined Lucasfilm's JAK Films division as a pre-visualization artist on Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace at the age of 18.