Freefall, exhibition installation view, featuring Colin McCahon, The Wake, 1958. Courtesy of Hocken Collections - Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago. Photo: Iain Frengley.
Freefall, exhibition installation view, featuring Colin McCahon, The Wake, 1958. Ralph Hotere, And ye shall dwell in the land I gave your fathers and ye shall be my people and I will be your God. Ezekiel, 36. 28, 1983, image reproduction by permission of the Hotere Foundation Trust; and Joanna Paul, The Stillness of the Rose (i-vii), 1994. Courtesy of Hocken Collections - Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago. Photo: Iain Frengley.
Freefall, exhibition installation view, featuring Colin McCahon, Preliminary study for University of Otago Library mural. Numbers theme, 1966; posters, poems and Robin White Sam Hunt at the Portobello Pub, 1978. Courtesy of Hocken Collections - Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago. Photo: Iain Frengley.
An exhibition called Freefall is Dunedin's famous Hocken Collection's contribution to the city's Writers and Readers Festival this week. It's a tribute to words - with paintings by Colin McCahon and Ralph Hotere, of course - but also historic documents and letters, a Block Map from 1844 and Flying Nun posters from the 1980s. Simon Morris talks with the Head Curator of the Hocken's Pictorial Collection, Robyn Notman. The exhibition Freefall opened at Dunedin's Hocken Gallery yesterday, and the Gallery is open every day except Sunday from 10 o'clock.