31 Mar 2019

Puke Ariki Museum

From Standing Room Only, 1:31 pm on 31 March 2019

Valuable and everyday objects representing 100 years of collecting are being showcased as part of Puke Ariki Museum's new exhibition Whare Kahurangi.

It's almost a century since the Taranaki Museum officially opened, and to mark the occasion, museum taonga from across the decades are being prepared to go out on show - many for the first time in many years.

One of curators with the exceptionally hard task of choosing what to show and what to leave out is Chanelle Carrick.  Lynn Freeman talked to her and to museum team member Alice Franklin, who comes from a family of collectors.

Whare Kahurangi.100 Years of Collecting opens at Puke Ariki Museum on the 6th of April.