Becky Manawatu's first novel tackles domestic violence
A contemporary story of loss, grief and domestic violence - but also of hope - is told in the first novel by Westport based Ngai Tahu novellist and journalist, Becky Manawatu. In Aue, we meet orphaned brothers teenager Taukiri and 8 year old Arama. Taukiri is dropping off his baby brother to live with their Aunt and Uncle, leaving him free to head off. But he knows Stu is violent and Kat is no match for her husband. Ari finds comfort in the company of his headstrong cousin Beth, her dog - and boxes of plasters that he uses to ease the pain he feels. Lynn Freeman talks with Becky Manawatu on the eve of discussing her novel Aue at the Nelson Arts Festival. The book is published by Makaro Press.