In many ways, the autism spectrum has never had such a high profile, particularly in recent TV series like Atypical: But these shows have also drawn criticism for not casting actors on the spectrum and for making incorrect assumptions about the condition. Disability advocate and General Manager of the Touch Compass Dance Company Charlotte Nightingale has written - and is acting in - a play about a teenager who's not only on the autism spectrum but also has ADHD. Much of it she's written from experience, having a son on the spectrum and having ADHD herself. A cast of 15 performers with mixed abilities appear in The Incredible and Glorious World According to The Fitzroys, the story of a single mother, Millie, her son Liam and his sister Sam. Daniel Nielson who has autism is playing Liam. Lynn Freeman talked with Charlotte Nightingale, first asking if she agreed that autism is now better understood. The Incredible and Glorious World According to The Fitzroys premieres at TAPAC in Auckland on the 28th of February
16 Feb 2020