New Zealand is hosting the World Science Fiction Convention later this year. This is a major event for fans of traditional sci-fi, fantasy, horror, speculative fiction and all the other sub-genres of fiction unhindered by time and space.
Among the guests of honour in Wellington will be George R R Martin, though fans of his Game of Thrones books may wish he stay at home to finish his long-delayed next volume!
The Convention (CoNZealand to the fans) is where the prestigious Hugo Awards for sci fi and fantasy are given out, as well as the award for best New Zealand speculative fiction, the Sir Julius Vogel Awards.
Lynn Freeman talks to members of a panel discussing the future of New Zealand sci fi writing. The session will be called To Boldly Go: There and Back Again, and will feature Darusha Wehm, one of the convention organisers, and guest speakers, Mandy Hagar and Hannah Perry.
CoNZealand: the 78th World Science Fiction Convention starts on 29 July. Among the other guests are Greg Broadmore, Larry Dixon, Mercedes Lackey and Rose Mitchell,