13 Jan 2022

Gall the swimming chicken is on the hunt for a rooster mate

From Summer Times, 9:40 am on 13 January 2022

The struggle to find that special someone who shares your interests is real for Gall of South Auckland.

She enjoys ocean swimming and happens to be a chicken.

Gall the swimming chicken

Gall the swimming chicken Photo: Thana Marsh

As well as a gift for swimming, Gall has a strong personality, according to her owner Thana Marsh.

She's introduced Gall to a few roosters but Gall is very picky and wasn't interested in any of them, Marsh tells Jesse Mulligan.

"Some were quite nice but it takes her time to really get her head around something new."

Yet Gall took very quickly to water, although most chickens have an aversion to it, Marsh says.

When she went to collect Gall and her siblings for the first time, Marsh forgot her house key and the box the chicks were in got wet with rain.

Once she got them inside, Marsh washed them with warm water and a hairdryer.

Gall and the other chicks enjoyed it so much Marsh started washing them every second week.

Marsh first took Gall and her siblings to the beach

When she'd had Gall and her siblings eight days. Marsh first took the chicks to the beach.

"I said 'Gall, come on,' and I put her in maybe ankle-height water. From there she just started paddling."

Marsh now takes Gall to the beach a few times a month - partly for a workout, Marsh says.

Gall - short for 'Gallon' - weighs 6.6kg and is on a strict diet to keep her weight stable.

"[Her breed] tend to get really big real fast. So I have to do something to make her lose weight."

Gall is a pure white chicken and Marsh thinks a colourful rooster of a similar size - 6 kilos plus - would be a good match for her.

"They don't have to but if the rooster can swim that would be great."