Summer Noelle for Tuesday 5 January 2010
Monday to Friday, 10am - Midday
10:10 Al Fastier from Antarctica
The restoration and conservation work of several key historic sites in Antartica continues. We'll speak to the Antarctic Hertitage Turst team via SAT phone about their work which includes excavating bottles of whisky that are about 100 years old.
10:25 Kiwis Who Should Be Famous
Summer Noelle listener Simon Nathan tells us about his unsung hero, the late Dr Brian Mason - an expert on meteorites who was involved in the study of moon rocks in the 1970s.
10:35 Media Correspondent
Simon Pound talks us through the highs and lows of TV news during the silly season, as well as the infatuation with the 'live cross' during the flagship television news bulletins. Is it really necessary?
11:08 Captain Kremmen Episode 7
11:10 Teen Fiction - is a vampire story ever just a vampire story?
The Twilight Saga has stolen the hearts of many young girls as well as more mature women who should know better. Or so says Gina Barreca - a professor of feminist theory in the US. She joins Noelle to deconstruct the literary phenomenon that is the Twilight Saga.
11:30 Unusual sports: Ultimate Frisbee
We'll hear from the players of 'Ultimate' - a game that looks like frisbee - but there are rules!