Summer Noelle for Friday 8 January 2010
Monday to Friday, 10am - Midday
10:10 Locavores
Locavore-ism is the movement where people try to eat food that has been produced within a 100 miles of where they live. We speak to a Christchurch man who's started a new website which will help people all over the world find local sources of food.
10:30 Kiwis who should be famous
Joseph Sinel is credited with being the father of industrial design. Although this New Zealander went overseas to make his name, Michael Smythe says this unsung hero remained a Kiwi at heart.
10:40 TV in 2010 with Fiona Rae
TV critic at the Listener, Fiona Rae casts her eye over what's coming up on the box in the coming year.
11:06 Daily Serial - Captain Kremman
They know who is ... but will Captain Kremmin ever find out who they are and how they know who he is ...
11:10 Best Gigs ever ...
Which gigs, bands or festivals have left their mark on you? We asked Summer Noelle listeners and they answered! Hear some of the suggestions and then get in touch with your own thoughts -
11:30 An Ig Nobel winner!
Following our interview with the founder of the Ig Nobel awards we speak to one of New Zealand's winners of these prestigious gongs. Dr James Watson from Massey University won his award for his reseach into famer's exploding trousers in the 1930s. We ask what impact winning an Ig Nobel has had!
11:40 More Best Gigs ever