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Summer Report for Wednesday 30 December 2009
Bug of the Day: Ants
9:51 AM.Entomologist Allen Heath. Audio
Simon Climbs Mt Aspiring: Episode 3
9:40 AM.A few weeks back he packed his rucksac and headed south to have a go at climbing Mount Aspiring near Wanaka.Get your walking boots on, we join Simon as he has a go at climbing Tititea, standing at… Read more Audio
Fish of the Day: Trevally
9:25 AM.Fishy facts from the sea to your table, we're looking at a different species of well known fish from around the country throughout the summer - something to throw onto the barbie maybe or at least… Read more Audio
New Year festival offers opportunity to rejuvenate.
9:16 AM.It's the season of parties and celebrations and the biggie - New Years Eve - is just around the corner. Audio
Whare Flat music festival
9:13 AM.They sell it as the the very first folk festival on the planet every year. Audio
Controversial Cathedral Cove shop
9:10 AM.More now on the controversy over a seaside stall allowed to operate in the remote Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Peninsula. Audio
Tauranga growing tropical crop defies sceptics
8:54 AM.Vanilla's normally grown in the tropics - but one NZ company has started growing this expensive spice in sunny Tauranga. Audio
Place names: Captain Cook
8:45 AM.Cape Egmont, Cape Farewell, Cook Strait, Banks Peninsula, Mount Cook, Doubtful Sound, Young Nick's Head, Cape Kidnappers, Bay of Plenty, Poverty Bay, East Cape: with Peter Dowling, revising editor of… Read more Audio
Racing - Taupo
8:35 AM.Forget the trout in the lake, today the action in Taupo is at the race course and the focus is on the thoroughbreds. Audio
Summer activities - shopping
8:33 AM.We've been looking at summer activities this week but they've all been outside. We don't want to discriminate against the city so today we look at shopping. Audio
Bird-brained lotto dreams killing vultures in South Africa
8:27 AM.In South Africa, a traditional medicinal practice of smoking dried vulture brains to predict winning lotto numbers is threatening poulations of these wild animal. Audio
Sports news for 30 December 2009
8:24 AM.An update from the RNZ sports team. Audio
Stall on DOC land gets frosty reception from green groups
8:21 AM.An ice cream stand at the famed Cathedral Cove beach is making waves with some who think it shouldn't be allowed on conservation land. Audio
BBC's security correspondent on aviation and Al Qaeda threats
8:18 AM.The United States fears Yemen-based terrorists may try to blow up other American planes. Audio
Brother tells how drowned man saved grandchildren
8:14 AM.Three deaths in the water yesterday have sparked a warming by authorities for holiday makers to be wary. Audio
Police to South Auckland's armed robbers: you will be caught
8:10 AM.Armed and masked men who robbed a South Auckland tavern of thousands of dollars remain at large. Audio
New Zealand's Rarest Bird - the Fairy Tern
7:53 AM.Only 30 remain in the world and they only nest at four sites north of Auckland. Audio
Scitech for 30 December 2009
7:45 AM.Hi-tech news now with Peter Griffin. Audio
Jet boating down the Wairaurahiri River
7:40 AM.We continue exploring some of the more isolated parts of New Zealand with a trip down the Wairaurahiri River near Tuatapere in Western Southland and on the edge of Fiordland National Park. Audio
Thousands expected at Phat 10 dance party.
7:37 AM.A quiet and isolated spot on the West Coast is about to get a noisy wakeup in the form of drum and bass dance party, Phat Ten. Audio
Sports news for 30 December 2009
7:26 AM.An update from the RNZ sports team. Audio
World leaders condem China's execution of mentally ill Briton
7:23 AM.British and American leaders have condemned China's execution of a British man convicted of drug smuggling, despite his family's plea for clemency on the grounds he was mentally ill. Audio
Finance companies to pay more if investors reject govt scheme
7:20 AM.At least two big finance companies are welcoming the chance to wean their investors off the Government's Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Audio
Bush fires threaten homes in Perth
7:17 AM.Several homes have been destroyed and others are threatened as two bushfires burn out of control across Western Australia's wheatbelt. Audio
Police urge preparation before taking to water
7:14 AM.Police are warning holiday makers to be wary in the water, following three drownings yesterday. Audio
Tavern manager fears for customers in armed robbery
7:10 AM.The police in South Auckland are hunting for four men who got away with thousands of dollars in cash in an armed robbery. Audio
Top stories for Wednesday 30 December 2009
7:00 AM.Three men rob twenty thousand dollars from a South Auckland tavern. Police warn holiday makers to be safe around water after three deaths yesterday. Several homes have been destroyed and others are… Read more Audio
Monday to Friday, 7am - 10am
30 December 2009
With New Year's Eve approaching its music festival's galore. We visit the West Coast for Phat 10, before travelling to the Coromandel for a more alternative gig. We introduce you to the Fairy Tern and try to grasp all you need to know about Trevally. And today's place to be: Lake Clearwater in the back and beyond of inland Canterbury.
What's going on
Whare Flat Folk Music Festival, Dunedin
Place to be: Lake Clearwater
Crop of the Day: Vanilla, Tauranga
From Koehler's Medicinal-Plants 1887
Bug of the day: Ant
Fish of the day: Trevally
Bird of the day:Fairy Tern, North Auckland
Photograph by Suzi Phillips