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Summer Report
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Weekdays at 8am from January 2 2020
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Monday, 16 January 2012
'Women on Water' helps Tauranga women to learn to sail
16 Jan 2012During the warmer months in Tauranga, women take to yachts and go sailing around the harbour. Audio
Indian cricketers lose to Australia by an innings - again
16 Jan 2012The Australian cricket team has again trounced India, winning the third test match in Perth by an innings and 37 runs. Audio
Lack of strong water skills and planning is to blame
16 Jan 2012Water safety officials say a horror weekend of two drownings and two missing swimmers were all preventable incidents and that a lack of strong water skills and planning is to blame. Audio
Business News for 16 January 2012
16 Jan 2012News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Red zone residents wants new park to border Avon
16 Jan 2012As residents leave parts of Christchurch's red zone, and plans are made to demolish entire streets of houses, some who have to abandon their properties are pushing for part of the land to be made into… Read more Audio
Divers still waiting to survey sunken stern of the Rena
16 Jan 2012Divers are still waiting to survey the sunken stern of the Rena but it's not expected to happen until tomorrow at the earliest. Audio
Economics academic says downgrading could be good for NZ
16 Jan 2012In New Zealand businesses are being advised to be aware of the crisis in Europe, and where possible turn the situation to their advantage. Audio
France defends its credit downgrade
16 Jan 2012Several countries in Europe had their creditworthiness downgraded over the weekend as the value of the Euro continues to fall. Audio
Home brewing growing in popularity
16 Jan 2012The 2011 national home brew competition received 420 entries, an increase of about 100 beers from the year before. Audio
Leading grape growers threaten revolt over Nelson water plan
16 Jan 2012Two of Nelson's leading grape growers are threatening a revolt over a plan to get ratepayers to pay for a 42 million dollar water storage project, saying it is unaffordable for many farmers. Audio
Summer Report
Keeping you informed and celebrating the great New Zealand summer.
Weekdays at 8am from January 2 2020
Edited by Denise Garland
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