Sunday, 11 May 2008
11 Haratua (May) 2008
"Ko wai tou tamaiti, kapa ko te manu-whakatau"
Is your child noble like the moa?
Voiced by Ope Paenga Maxwell no Ngati Porou
What would you do if one day while perusing an auction website, you saw your family graveyard for Sale? That situation confronted Les Owens no Ngati Tuwharetoa, in November 2007, when he discovered waahi tapu (sacred sites) significant to his hapu, Ngati Rongomai was listed on Trademe for sale. He talks to Maraea Rakuraku about his reaction, background to the sale, the involvement of the Ministry of Corrections and how the hapu responded.
Professor Paul Moon first heard about Hohepa Kereopa no Ngati Tuhoe through a friend of his, suggesting the Tuhoe Tohunga would be suitable material for a book. Five years and three books later, Moon re-visits the initial meeting, the resulting friendship and the influences of Rua Kenana and the Maungapohatu settlement in Part One, of a two part interview. Part Two where Moon talks in detail about the third book; Tohunga Journal: Hohepa Kereopa, Rua Kenana and Maungapohatu plays next week (Haratua 18, 2008).
With five albums to their credit, Black Katz was a powerhouse of mana wahine in the late 1980's and 1990's. Covering the social spectrum of issues from racism (W.A.R.N Women of all Red Nations) to warnings about potential ecological crises (Tanemahuta) Black Katz waiata created a space for sassy, politicised and very vocal Wahine Maori. One of the original members, Ngatai Huata no Ngati Kahungunu, features in the archival segment, Nga Taonga Korero with Henare Te Ua discussing the inspiration behind Devolution, a track from the Album Go Gamblin 2. Emma Paki sings Devolution 2.