Sunday, 20 July 2008
20 Hongongoi (July) 2008
"Nau te rourou, Nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi."
With my food basket and your food basket together we can nourish the people.
Explanation by Potaua Biasiny-Tule no Ngai Tuhoe me Ngati Pikiao
This week's whakatauki is pertinent given Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori is nearly upon us. Its translation, 'with my help, and your help, together we can benefit everybody' is in the same vein as 'many hands make light work' and 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. On the eve of Māori language week, Te Ahi Kaa celebrates Te Reo Māori.
For some, celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, means taking one week out of 52 to korero i te reo Maori. For others it just a natural part of their everyday life. Take Bruce Holm for example, a pakeha who moved to the small east coast town of Tokomaru Bay in 2003 who was so moved by the Māori world he was encountering, he decided to incorporate Te Reo Māori signage into his business, the local diary. Thus, the dairy food section became Kai Miraka while the Vegetable aisle changed into Hua whenua. Holm made such an impression with the initiative the diary earned an award from Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Maori in 2004. Maraea Rakuraku talks with Bruce Holm.
Two giants of Aotearoa passed away earlier this year. One, known for traversing mountains, Sir Edmond Hillary (1919-2008) - the other, Hone Tuwhare (1922-2008) for his literary prowess. Born in Kaikohe, Tuwhare no Nga Puhi, was a man of passions whether it was his boilermaker work with NZ Railways as a young man, involvement with the trade union movement or relationships. All fed into his creativity providing fodder for his extensive collection of work and what was a lifetime love of words. Like Hillary, Tuwhare had presence and many of the people who spoke at a memorial service held recently in Wellington recounted their personal experiences of his humour, humility and genius including his granddaughter Moana Tuwhare and longtime friend, Mark Derby.
What kupu would make the cut, on your list of 100 Maori words every New Zealander should know? Ever wondered what Whanga or Awa means like in Whangarei or Awakino? Te Ahi Kaa test you and each other on 20 place names.
Does Te Reo Māori affect your life? Do you use it in everyday situations like greeting someone in the morning? Maraea Rakuraku heads out to talk to the people about their perceptions of Te Reo.
Waiata featured on this weeks programme includes;
AEIOU Waikato Taniwharau
Kua Tutuu Mai Dam Native
Rere Reta Rere Reta Ruia Aperahama