Sunday, 9 August 2009
09 August 2009
"He ao te rangi, ka ūhia ma te huruhuru o te manu kārere mai"
Just as the clouds cover the sky, so a bird must have feathers to fly with.
The contribution made to the weaving world by mother and daughter Rangimarie Hetet (1892-1995) and Diggeress Te Kanawa (1920 - 2009) is remembered in an archival recording from 1977. Alwyn Owen, former presenter of Radio New Zealand's Spectrum programme visited with the duo at their marae where he learns how their names memorialise events and the technical skill required when weaving korowai (cloaks).
When Tangata Whenua series screened in New Zealand in the 1970s it provided a doorway into a Māori view of life Pākehā had no idea existed. Presented by Michael King (1945 - 2004), directed by Barry Barclay (1944-2008) and produced by John O'Shea (1920-2001) Tangata Whenua, was making New Zealand cinematic history. Maraea Rakuraku talks to Lawrence Wharerau about the series and reflects on the legacy of Barry Barclay.
By day, Ngāti Tūwharetoa Moata Tamaira works as a Māori reference librarian and by night she morphs into a blogger of some repute. Justine Murray finds out more.
Former Radio New Zealand broadcaster Mahi Potiki voiced the whakatauki, sourced from a recording in 1977.