Sunday, 16 May 2010
16 Haratua (May) 2010
"Kua ata haere, muri tata kino. "
To start early is leisurely but to race against time is desperate.
This week's whakatāuki was explained by Turei Reedy nō Ngāti Porou.
There aren't many soldiers who generate enough interest for a Facebook appreciation page but then there aren't many soldiers like Willie Apiata, nō Nga Puhi. When he received the Victoria Cross in 2007 for bravery while serving in Afghanistan, he became one of only two Māori to do so - the other being Moana-nui-a kiwa Ngarimu (1918 - 1943) who received the military decoration posthumously after being killed in the Second World War. Leanne Tamaki, nō Tamakiamoana me Ngāti Maniapoto, reviews Willie Apiata VC: The Reluctant Hero by Paul Little (2008) and in doing so reassesses her views on war while marvelling at the important role childhood mentors play in shaping character.
Gordon Aston could be viewed as a waka ama cliché, carrying the slim-line physique, golden-toned tan and passion associated with taking up the sport at masters level, and he's not the only one-Maori are taking to waka ama with great enthusiasm. Maraea Rakuraku spends time at a training session at Horouta Waka Hoe Club in Gisborne.
Jah Rydem is the debut album from reggae band 1814. The group started with Patu Colbert and his sons Shaun and Jimmy in 2004. Steadily, more members joined over the years including lead singer Darren Katene, Katherine Te Haara Ratima, Reuben Heger, Erana Jones and Maihi Pinker. The band have been busy performing gigs and festivals in New Zealand and abroad. Mere Takoko reviews the album on the Te Ahi Kaa.