Sunday, 30 May 2010
30 May 2010
In part two of Whakatewhatewha (our documentary series), Maraea Rakuraku finds out more about Marae Justice.
Aroha Terry began her career in social services in 1978 in Taranaki. Her passion for whanau Māori and tikanga Māori led Aroha to deal with sexual abuse cases alongside tikanga Māori on a Marae. This was the first instance of what was to be known as a Marae Justice system. Maraea Rakuraku talks to Aroha Terry about what this forum entailed for both victim and offender.
In 1985 Moana Jackson nō Ngāti Kahungunu undertook a research project assigned by the Justice Department, to find out why Maori were overrepresented in male prisons. Accompanied by Dean Hapeta, Hinemoa Awatere and Kaumatua, the 18 month road show involved talking to Māori about their experience and opinion of the Justice system. Twenty years on, he discusses the findings of that research with Maraea Rakuraku.
Maraea Rakuraku attended a youth court hearing last year at Te Poho o Rāwiri Marae in Gisborne; she talked to Judge Greg Hikaka about whether a change of location makes a difference.
Meredith Akuhata Brown explains her role as a court appointed lay advocate.