Sunday, 25 July 2010
25 o Hōngongoi 2010
"Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu"
Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations
Whakatauki explained by Mike Borell nō Te Pirirakau
Justine Murray attended the indigenous weavers' international symposium in Rotorua which was a hub of creativity for gathering artists to share ideas and to networking. As part of the symposium, various panel discussions including the state of fibre arts in Aotearoa were raised. Panellists include Matiu Dickson, Karl Leonard, Paula Rigby and Donna Campbell.
Jenny Katene Morgan is the Māori arts tutor at King Street Artworks in Masterton. The workshop provides a creative whanau atmosphere for students learning a whole raft of art-making including bone carving, lead lighting, karetao (puppet making) and manu aute (kite making). Operating for 13 years, King Street Artworks caters for people with mental illnesses and at risk youth. Justine Murray talks to Jenny and meets some of her students in the throng of creating their pieces. Photo: Sharon Waata, student at King Street Artworks
The theme for this year's Maori language week is kai (food). Māori language commissioner Ruakere Hond talks to Justine Murray about the positive impact Māori language week has had in New Zealand, and how this year's theme of kai can be used in the home.